“Many inmates come to prison as seasoned entrepreneurs who happened to run illegitimate businesses.” www.PEP.org Offering In-Prison Entrepreneurship “Bootcamp.” For Graduates: Lifetime Support Upon Prison Release Value Proposed To Inmates: Engage strengths toward legal enterprise. Key Resources Leveraged by Way of Offering: i. Demonstrated entrepreneurial talent of certain inmates. ii. Program founder’s knowledge of
www.Google.com Original Offering Significantly better search engine. Value Proposed World’s information more accessible. Resources that Offering Makes More Of i. Internet. ii. Information stored on Internet. iii. Founders’ Computer Science knowledge: Discovery about dynamics of Internet links. General insights about human-computer interaction. Societal Progress “Profit” — benefit to U.S. economy. “People” — more use of
www.Facebook.com Offering Pioneering Online Social Network Value Proposed A way to be more socially connected. Key Resources Leveraged Internet. Hacking Expertise. Societal Progress “Profit” — benefit to U.S. economy. “People” — Facebook intends its contribution to a “more open and connected society” to support progress throughout global society. 1. Agent Path to “What
Pricing Transparency and Provider Ratings Allows Customers to Shop for the Best Health Care. www.Vitals.com Offering For Consumers: Comparative pricing information for medical procedures at different providers. Cash ~reward if choose low-cost provider. Information about provider quality of care (e.g., patient ratings, outcome measures, volume of procedures), provided by customers of Vitals and made available to
The Ocean Cleanup
“It was the skill and passion of 100 volunteers that brought us from idea to feasible concept in a year.” www.TheOceanCleanup.com Offering A way to remove trillions of pieces of plastic polluting Earth’s oceans, in 5 years rather than 79,000 years. Long, specially designed floating barriers let the ocean currents divert the plastic. Value Proposed
Farm Logs
“We’re a company that’s focused on solving real problems for growers.” www.FarmLogs.com Offering Cloud-based Information System for Farm Management: Continually updated system of information at per-acre level. All designed to allow farmers to dramatically increase the yield they realize. Includes farmer input via notes into app (e.g., date and type of seed planted) and